Keeping order in provider chaos.

Stay on top of things and in control.

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  3. Multi-Provider Management

Today, companies are increasingly opting for a mix of specialized providers. The real challenge, however, is the central orchestration of providers and the visibility of all service-relevant information.

Counteract the threatening wild growth in multi-sourcing and benefit from holistic service and provider management. With our service platform, we harmonize all service-relevant tools across manufacturers and offer you visibility into your heterogeneous network and service landscape in real time.


Multi-Provider Management

Your Benefits

Harmonization of the heterogeneous tool landscape of service providers

Visibility of heterogeneous infrastructure and services at a glance

Uniform asset management of all components from different providers

Central access management for standardized provider access

Transparent contract management

Uniform database and holistic documentation of a heterogeneous service landscape

Your Contact Person

Do you have any questions or need more information? Contact us today:

Holger König
Solution Architect